Hi! I’m Jennifer Dorothy.
I facilitate experiences for women that foster essential feminine qualities for effective leadership: radical responsibility, attunement, and receptivity. I’m the Founder of Friendship Works, a network of aligned female relationships that support your entire life.
My mentors include:
Kate Harlow, Founder of The Unscript'd Woman and creator of The Expanded Love Coaching Method.
Kendra Cunov, Founder of The Collective: A Global Web of Women Devoted to Embodied Wholeness and creator of the No Man Diet.
Marie Forleo, Founder of B-School, MarieTV, and author of “Everything is Figureoutable.”
I live with my family among towering Douglas Fir trees a short ferry ride across the Salish Sea from Seattle, WA. You can find my writing at Tideland Magazine, Conscious Classroom, and ParentMap.